Fees and Bursaries

Fees Q & A’s

Who do I contact regarding fees?

Please contact the Fees Administrator at the Prep Schools Trust Office  fees@prepschoolstrust.org or call 01865 390720.

How do I pay my School Fees?

Payment is by bank transfer:

Bank details:

Prep Schools Trust

Barclays Bank PLC

Liverpool Lord Street


LE87 2BB

Sort Code: 20-01-25
Account No: 90314382


Prep Schools Trust IBAN number:

IBAN GB50 BARC 2001 2590 3143 82

Please quote the billing account number, at the foot of the invoice, as a reference. 

Applicable taxes and levies: All fees and supplementary charges (“extras”) are exclusive of any taxes and levies. Such taxes and levies will be added to the invoice at the prevailing rate.

Please note, we do not generally accept payment by cheque. This method of payment will incur a £25 charge per payment.

For Registrations and Deposits, please use pupils surname and school identifiers as a reference. 

School identifiers: COT for Cothill, CHA for Chandlings, KIT for Kitebrook, MOW for Mowden, BAR for Barfield, BEE for Beeston and WES for West Hill Park.

If making an international transfer please remember to check “remitter pays all charges” on the transfer to ensure the correct amount is paid.

With regard to monthly direct debit payments we do not administrate that ourselves but, in common with many independent schools, refer parents to a company that operates such credit agreements, please see below.

When setting up an Agreement for the first time, please ensure it is set up in good time for the payment of fees at the beginning of term.

How do you invoice us?

Fees are due on or before the first day of the term for which they are due.

Invoices for the following term are issued at the end of each term (December, March, July) comprising fees in advance for the term ahead and extras in arrears for the term just finished.

Invoices are emailed to all UK and overseas parents. 

What is your Childcare Voucher Policy?

The Trust is happy to accept Childcare Vouchers in full or partial settlement of qualifying fees.

Please refer to your employer in the first instance to see whether your company participates in a childcare voucher scheme as part of a salary sacrifice scheme for employees. Please note that the regulations relating to the Childcare Voucher Scheme are changing all the time so you should seek guidance from your employer regarding the latest figures or refer to www.hmrc.gov.uk/childcare.

Vouchers may only be used by parents or those with “parental responsibility” for the child concerned.

Our acceptance of vouchers is strictly on the condition that, should HMRC dispute any element of our acceptance, any liability for a reclaim of tax or national insurance contributions remains solely with the parent and/or their employer; the Trust cannot accept any liability in this respect.

Please see below a list of charges, we believe, fall within the HMRC definition of “qualifying Childcare”:-

Early Years Department

  • Fees for Pre-School

  • School Fees for Reception children under 5 at the start of any term, as this is deemed as non-compulsory education

Whole School

  • Any chargeable After School Care or Breakfast Club

  • Flexible/occasional boarding fees and the boarding element of the full boarding fee – please contact Caroline Brown for details

  • Holiday Clubs held on School premises

In addition, we also require that arrangements for accepting childcare vouchers fulfil the following conditions:

  • Fees must be settled within our normal terms and conditions which require payment in advance.  In practice, this requires parents to either save up vouchers and then to make payment in a lump sum at the start of a term or to make monthly advance payments during the term when the fees have already been settled in full.

  • All payments from voucher providers must be made via bank transfer; we do not accept paper vouchers.

Each Trust School has to be registered individually with Voucher Providers so please email fees@prepschoolsltrust.org  to request the relevant registration details.

What are your Terms and Conditions?

For details on Admissions, Fees and Terms and Conditions please see the relevant policy for each individual Trust School.  These will be available from their school office or published on their individual websites.  However, please also note the following;

  • Payment is due before the first day of term.
  • Where payment of the account is received after the due date without prior agreement, the School will levy a late payment charge (calculated at 2% per month) on the amount outstanding.  In the case of a disputed charge, please do not adjust your payment of the termly bill without seeking the agreement of the Finance  Manager.
  • A full term's notice in writing to the Head is required before the withdrawal of a pupil, in default of which a full term's fees will be charged in lieu.
  • The Trust's policy is not to allow the accumulation of debt with regard to fees.  One term's arrears will mean that parents are given the following term as notice to remove their child from the Trust school.  Two terms in arrears will require the Trust to withdraw its services immediately.  Legal action will be used to settle outstanding debts.  If parents find it difficult to meet the fee payments they must, in the first instance, contact the Finance Administrator and maintain communication.
  • Please note that Sauveterre fees and airfares are charged in advance of the term ahead.
  • Extras are charged in arrears for the previous term and therefore represent charges already incurred.
  • Applicable taxes and levies: All fees and supplementary charges (“extras”) are exclusive of any taxes and levies. Such taxes and levies will be added to the invoice at the prevailing rate.
  • If there are any queries on your account, please ring the Trust Finance department on +44 (0) 1865 390720 or email fees@prepschoolstrust.org

Bursaries and allowances

  • Forces Allowances
    25% for serving members of the UK Forces in receipt of boarding CEA.  Please email fees@prepschoolstrust.org using your military email address with your rank and posting to confirm eligibility. 

  • Bursary Policy
    Please see below for more information on our Bursary Policy. 

Personal Accident Insurance 

A copy of our Pupils' Personal Accident Insurance details can be sent on request and a Q&A about the scheme can be found here.

Bursary Policy

Prep Schools Trust Bursary Policy has been authorised by the Trustees and forms part of the Trust’s Public Benefit Strategy. The aim of the policy is to ensure that prospective and current parents/guardians are aware of the bursary provision and the process by which they can apply. The Trustees are committed to assisting access to the Trust’s schools by offering means-tested financial support with the payment of school fees. Such support is known as a Bursary and these may be awarded in the form of a discount of up to 100% of the day tuition fees, depending on the financial circumstances of applicants. 

Please find below the Trust Bursary Policy. 

For further information and the application procedure, please contact the relevant school or Trust Office (fees@prepschoolstrust.org).